Room-contingent at the
Conference Hotel Maritim
until March, 31 2008

Invited Presenters among other:

Thilo Hoppe, Thilo Hoppe is member of the German parliament Alliance 90/ The Green Party and their spokeman. He is member in the German government department for "Human Rights and Help" and member in the German government department for joint venture and development. His main engagement is to invlove Germany to achieve the milliennium goals, much more than it happened the past. Priority has for him to divide the extreme poverty until 2015.

Bündnis 90 7 Die Grünen, Deutscher Bundestag Platz der Republik 1, 11011 Berlin


workshop 2 hours

About the Affiliation of the Evil
Majorities in systems tend to fight and to exclude elements of the system, which display radical positions and behavioural patterns in a conflict. The hypothesis to be examined during the workshop claims that this does not conduce to the system and the transformation of the conflict. The topic will firstly be introduced theoretically using the example of the "Black Blocks" at the G8 summit/G8 counter summit in Heiligendamm 2007. This example was already the topic of a workshoü held by the instructors at the G8 Alternative Summit. The following structural constellation with the participants will broach the issue of the role of the extremist eystem elements using a current example. What do they stand for? Which view on them and which interaction with them is beneficial?


Wissende Felder