Room-contingent at the
Conference Hotel Maritim
until March, 31 2008

Invited Presenters among other:

Sandy Campbell

Working Rite LDT, 136/5 Constitution Street Leith, Edinburgh EH6 6AJ, phone: +0131-555-3615
Email: ;


workhsop 3 hours

Working Rite - Everybody Remembers Their First Boss
Working Rite is a tried and tested method for helping teenage boys grow into employable mature young men - using their first job as a Rite of Passage - hence the name.
There are thousands of young people leaving school turned off by the whole education system. Forcing them into college doesn't work and so what future is there for them? The Working Rite approach give these boys a break from the classroom and offers them hard manual work for a decent wage instead. For six month a youngster works full time one-to-one alongside a local tradesman. This is a mature man who acts as a mentor as well as introducing the lad to the trade. The whole experience becomes a very real and practical introduction into the world and responsible manhood.
This is a method that is hitting most of the buttons that worry us about many young lads today. Their poor employability, unruly behaviour, and often times lack of maturity and respect.


Wissende Felder