Room-contingent at the
Conference Hotel Maritim
until March, 31 2008

Invited Presenters among other:

Sara Hofri-Eflal, Gymnasiallehrerin für Bilbelunterricht und kreativem Schreiben, co-ordniations Leherin für kreatives Schreiben für Jugendliche und Erwachsenen. Autorin von 3 Büchern, von Kurzgeschichten und Novellen. Mitglied im Kibuzz Yiftah an der Grenze zum Libanon, im Norden von Israel.
Aktives Mitglied im Verein "Friendship Across Borders - FAB", Leiterin der israelischen Gruppe und Co-direktorin in FAb,

Kibuzz Yiftah, ISR 13840 Yiftah Israel phone: 00972-4-695 26 24 Email:


workshop 1 1/2 hour together with Daniela Falkenberg, Deutschland

"Questions of Identity" - Experience of cooperation in the organization, Friendshop Across Borders-FAB, between Germans,Israelis and Palestinians and in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.
Identities produce tension in human beings. The question of belonging, of loyality of priority lead us to inner conflicts.
We shall try to explore our experiential process of 3 years in the cooperation with Palstinians, Israelis and Germans in the organization "Friendship Across Borders-FAB" in particular during work in the pilotproject "Let me see through your eyes" from summer 2007.
In cooperation with international groups conflicts are unavoidable. Often we only percieve the own belonging and own identifications through the mirror of "the others". Sometimes contradictory, sometimes dominant oder surprisingly weak in its meaning. The exercises we shall offer give participants the chance to experience the own expression of identity. We shall compare them with our experience we have achieved in FAB ,in the cooperation with Germans,Israeli and Palestinians.


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