Room-contingent at the
Conference Hotel Maritim
until March, 31 2008

Invited Presenters among other:

Dr. Hunter Beaumont, PhD, Clinical Psychologist, US-American, lives in Germany since many years. He graduate at the University of California at Los Angeles and the School of Theology at Claremont. He began his therapeutic career at the Gestalt Therapy Institute of Los Angeles, where he served as president and as a member of the training faculty. A licensed clinical psychologist, in 1980, he accepted a guest professorship in clinical psychology at Ludwig-Maximilian University in Munich, teaching graduate course in Gestalt Therapy and Object Relations Theory. He became interested in the work of Bert Hellinger, the family therapy with constellations, in 1990 and has been collaborating with him since 1993. His contributions have been instrumental in introducing Hellinger to a worldwide audience.

Baderstrasse 84, 80469 München,
phone: 049-89-202 395 21, Email:


workshop 3 hour

"When I Wasn't"Myself. Object Relation Theory and State Specific Memory, Learning and Behavior and Identidity"
Discussion: One understanding of major obstacles to Collective Wisdom in the belief that understanding obstacles to a thing is a valid support for gaining an experience of the thing itself.
We shall explore the questions: Why are so many personal, religious and political decisions and reactions seemingly devoid of collective wisdom? How can we understand the obstacles and patterns identity that appear to form such ego- or ethno centric behavior? The workshop will review selected theoretical material, research findings and clinical experiences to answer these questions.


Wissende Felder