Room-contingent at the
Conference Hotel Maritim
until March, 31 2008

Invited Presenters among other:

Kriminaloberrat Bernd Wagner Exit Deutschland, Exit-Deutschland was established in 2000 and is sponsored by Amadeu Antonio Foundation and Freudenberg Foundation Germany. Additional the initiative is sponsored by the
activity of the magazine "Stern" and it's action called.: "Courage Against Right wing"
EXIT gives practical aid to young people to help themselves to quit the right wing , extremists scene.
EXIT is part of the association ZDK, Society for Democratic Culture since 2004

EXIT analyses right wing extremists endeavours and informs about endeavours which work against democracy. It supports all efforts towards democratic manner and it advices projects and initiative which relate on similar issues.
EXIT gives support and aid to people who became victims of right wing extremist activities and it helps families and groups who want to approach of democratic and human values.

ZDK Gesellschaft Demokratische Kultur GmbH, Mühlenstrasse 47, 13187 Berlin


Vortrag 50 min.

How National Socialism Creates Identity - How Withdrawal of the Neo-Nazi Movement Changes Identity
Many Neo-Nazi consider their personality as part of the Neo-Nazi movement. They focus with their "I am" to fulfill the ideas and pictures created by this ideology. Only if this ideology and it's pictures get damaged, there is the change to define a different identity. What kind of path this takes and what kind of problems one has to be overcome, is the content of this


Wissende Felder