Room-contingent at the
Conference Hotel Maritim
until March, 31 2008

Invited Presenters among other:

Vlado Ilic, certified pedagogue and trainer for intercultural communication, president of the
Society for Constellation Work in Serbia, organization of the Serbia Peace Conference 2006
with Bert Hellinger, seminars and trainings in systemic-constellation and supervision.

Hölderlinstr. 5, 85080 Gaimersheim, T: 0049-8458-3445 92, Email:


1 1/2hour workshop

"Kosovo Belongs to Us" A Never Ending Story
The conflict in Kosovo reminds on a fraternal strife, deeply connected in love and hate. How can one overcome this movements of self estrangement, which can lead to illness or conflict sooner or later "Kosovo belong to us" thinks the majority of the Serbs, "Kosovo belongs to us" thinks the majority of the of the Albanians. Both of them think they have the right on their side and both insists on their right. Within the limits of their own ethnic group. The stronger they feel they are right, the stronger becomes the feeling of threat from the other side and the stronger is feeling of the rightness to destroy the other side in order to reduce the fear and the threat. A battlefield in middle of Europe. Although the International Union is willing to help, yet the dynamic forces continues on a bigger scale, without any solution.
In the workshop we shall look at actual examples in order to find out the possibilities we have given by constellation work for peace and reconciliation in such a context of mistrust and hate. Could the insights gained by working with constellations lead to new perceptions of this conflict, allowing us a resolution?


Wissende Felder