Room-contingent at the
Conference Hotel Maritim
until March, 31 2008

Invited Presenters among other:

Prof. Satsuki Ina, is Professor Emeritus, California State University, Sacarmento,
Psychotherapist in private practice specializing in treatment of trauma, trans-racial adoptions, acculturation adjustment, and cross cultural issues. Documentary filmmaker, ?Children of the Camps? ? 2000 and ? From A Silk Cocoon? (2007).

2942 26th St. Sacramento, CA 95818 USA,
Phone: 001-916-452 3008, Email:


3 hour workshop

Children of the Camps: Personal Healing Journey of Japanese Americans held In American Prison Camps during WWII
documentary, lecture and dialogue groups

Children of the Camps follow the journey of six Japanese Americans who were imprisoned as children in American concentration camps during WWII. The culmination of racism, wartime hysteria, and the failure of political leadership,
the incarceration of 120,000 persons of Japanese descent provides a powerful lesson for understanding the ramifications of the trauma of racism and its lasting
effects. This workshop will explore the psychological consequences of the internment and its long-term impact on individuals, families and the community. Further, the presenter will describe how the documentary was used as a community mental health intervention to address the unresolved legacy of the internment trauma in order to break the silence and facilitate a healing process. In addition, a Teacher?s Guide will be available to be used as an educational tool for classroom use to increase student awareness, empathy and insight regarding the effects of racism.
Workshop participants will be encouraged to engage in dialogue regarding universal themes of trauma, culture, and oppression and means for healing and reconciliation.


Wissende Felder