Invited Presenters among other:
Sixth Sense in Service, members of the group are: Berchthold Wasser, Swiss; Christine Robert, Germany; Erna Alexandra Jansen, Germany;Henny Ketelaar, The Netherlands; Johannes Schmucker, Germany; Ken Sloan, Germany-USA.
lectureDavid Bohm's Dialogue Approach and Team-oriented Constellation Work as Related Methods for discovering Creative Solutions to Conflitcs
D. Bohm (1): " It is clear that if we are to live in harmony with ourselves and with nature, we need to be able to commnicate freely in a creative movement in which no one permanently holds to or otherwise defends his own ideas. Why then is it so difficult to bring about such communication?" To enable this " free communication" Bohm developed an approach which he named "Dialogue". Although the process showed much promise, and is still regularly practiced, there were and still are significant difficulties in achieving the desired participative thinking.
In the team-oriented constellaton work developed by Six-Sense-in-Service group we have had many experiences of Bohm's participative thinking.Among other conclusions, we are now convinced that collective intelligence - in Bohm's erminology " participative thinking" - arises and finds its voice when the underlying (normally unconscious) assumptions of the parties being represented in the constellation are recognized, expressed and honoured.
We have discovered in constellation work, especially when it is "collectively led" a powerful form closley realted to Boh's Dialogue. This presentation, the examples we will describe and the exercise fro the group are an exüression of the current state of this "work in process".
(1) D.Bohm (2005): On Dialogue; p.4; Routledge Classics 2005