Invited Presenters among other: Samson Munn, Samson Munn, medical doctor, B.A. in psychology, University California, Berkely, M.D. from Boston University.Professor at Tufts University ( Boston) and chief of the Dept. of Medical Imaging at Kaiser-Permanente Mdical Center, Santa Rosa California and involved in intensive dialogue worksince 1992. Citizenship of Israel,Poland and US, Germany in litigation. Formerly Assitant Professor at Tufts University (Boston), now Meical Center Santa Rosa, California. Samson Munn's father was born in Poland and survived the Lodz ghetto, Auschitz and Görlitz. His mother was born in Aurich (Germany) and survived Auschwitz, Gräbern und Bergen-Belsen.
3690 Rocky Way, Santa Rosa, CA 955404 0904 USA
phone: 001-707 527 6554 email: -
panelworkshop 3 hours, together with Dr. Merle Friedman, South Africa,Dr. Fatma Kassem, Israel, Dirk Kuhl, Germany Prof. Bjön Krondorfer, Germany. Antonia Dohmen,Germany, Dirk Kuhl, GermanyIdentity and Experiencing the Other:Growth and Transformation.A dialogue between children of Holocaust survivors and children of Nazi-perpetrators.
Collective Wisdom is expected to be included by hearing from a handful of people who have had dialogue and epxience together, as well as analysis from a trusted authority working npt with them, but in related work. What modes of interaction exist between historically heinous human behaviour, ones relationship to such history, ones identity and onse respones to counter such behaviiour and its effects? Of many paths to take and levers to use to engender peace and healing, a vital element comprises reciprocally respectful efforts at societal bridging. Intensive dialogue us one approach; participants are personally related to the trauma's sides, such as sons and daughters of Holocaust survivors meeting with those of Nazi perpetrators. founded in part on "emotional responsibility" the eventual goal is a mulitplicative effect toward a culture and consciouness of peace, eliciting tangilbe responses. Approaches are generally non religious, not deliberately therapeutic "per se", cost-free and apolitical. "To Refllect and Trust" is introduced and Teh Austrian Encounter is discussed in depth, but ther are other groups. The essence of the work reflects Emmanuel Levinas views of the Other, of responsibility and of dialogue as philosophical truth-as-process.