Room-contingent at the
Conference Hotel Maritim
until March, 31 2008

Invited Presenters among other:

Uta Marie Reinbach, Uta Marie Reinbach, took part in the three year Cruzible Training with Rosalyn Bruyere and visited numerous trainings and workshops of mediums and healers, among others in England, Denmark, Cyprus, the Netherlands, India and the USA.
In New York she was enrolled in the Barbara Brennan School of Healing Science and graduated after 4 years of studies. After an additional two year period she graduated in the Advanced Studies Programme, Integrative Medicine, USA.Following that she worked as a teacher at the "Snowlion Healing School" in France. She completed(graduated after) a two-year training in Core-Energetics with Jaquie Carleton, Director of the New York Core-Energetic Institute in Amsterdam. At the moment she attends a three year training " Awakening into the Presence" with Dona Monterelli California, USA.



workhsop 3 hours

The Consciousness in my Hands
Most people imagine they would be surrounded by a energy field which is outside of themselves, outside their own body. In reality this field of energy enwraps the human body inside and outside at once. Each single cell of the human body is enfolded by the even levesl of this field of energy.
The same phenomenon occurs with the collective energy field: in fact it is outside of us and it is inside our being. Expansion and connection to all what is, conscious or unconscious to us, will take place from inside to all human beings, animals , plants, stones, all elements and to all galaxies and universes.
"The Opening of the Inner Room"
If we imagine this connection only from the outer point of view, it will remian only in action without any emotion. However, if the inner room opens up, I feel from the inner core the connection to all what is. I feel byond imagination. It contrains the deep feeling of connection that embraces love, compassion, attentiveness and unimaginable deep insight of our inner truth. I know, each of us has the own way to perceive all this. But the essence remains the same: that we are more than our physical body and that we can never find our self-fulfilmet, we are looking for, if we limit our consciousness.
"The Attentiveness Versus Lost Feeling"
It is understood as follows: If I hurt someone, I hurt myself. If I kill someone, I kiill one part of myself. As reaction attentiveness to my own feelings fade away more and more. Resulting from this lost feeling and inner cold we are able to kill, hurt and destroy human beings.
I see my personal task as therapist and healer as follows: to discover the pattern of lost feelings, of rigidity, of frozenness within me in order to get our of that vicious circle whenever possible and to pass on my experiences of awareness, so that the personal field of the other will be filled with light and will influence with that light the collective field.
In that workshop I would like to illustrate this topic with the help of vivid role plays. The participants take alternate roles. Subsequently we practice hands on healing for the collective of different countries and send them healing energy to increase the light in that specific area.


Wissende Felder