Room-contingent at the
Conference Hotel Maritim
until March, 31 2008

Invited Presenters among other:

Brunhilde Leseberg, Brunhilde Leseberg born 1941, teacher. Basic and advanced education in Bioenergetic, Systemic Family Therapy and Supervision.Advanced training of setting up family constellations (Albrecht Mahr). Since 1972 practical experience i different psychosocial institutions. Sicne 1986 I am working in my own praxis and as supervisory,

Meiereistrasse 9a, 24977 Westerholz, phone: 04636-97 67 54 Email:


workshop 1 1/2 hour

Children of the war (bonr 1939-1945) remember for the future
Children of the war are people born between 1930 - 1945 who went through WWII when they were small chldren and babies. Tn this workshop we are going to deal with the following issues:
Why these so called "War Children" speak up today and how does it come that the public is so much interested in them now?
What had these children to go through and what kind of suffering did they experience during war times?
What is the impact of war time on these children nowadays?
What kind of treatment and help do they need in order to heal their wounds?
During the last years I was working with many of these so called "War children". For instance in a year long workshop, in storytelling and lectures which were followed by dialogues and discussions.


Wissende Felder