Room-contingent at the
Conference Hotel Maritim
until March, 31 2008

Invited Presenters among other:

Dr. med. Ilse Kutschera

Otkerstrasse 21, 81547 München, phone: 0049-89-6972633, Email:


workshop 3 hours

The myth of power woman or woman power
In this workshop we shall explore the question to what extent old and new women role models have changed the identity of women and what kind of social impacts and possibilities are the outcome of it.
Nowadays many women are confronted with the problem to live different kind of role models at once. What remains is the role of the mother and with it the mother identity. Additional to it we have individual identities in the professional, socia and political context. Are these in fact "new" women identities? If so, it inevitable leads to intrapsychic and intrapersonal conflicts. Is this a way to enrich the family and the social life?
My colleague, Ms. Lydia Hopfgartner and I shall show through examples from literature and politic different perspectives
like - Aphrodite, Athene, Hera, Pythia.
Following in the frame of a "spiral-discussion" the participants have the opportunity to express their oppinion freely in order to find solutions through constellation work.


Wissende Felder