Room-contingent at the
Conference Hotel Maritim
until March, 31 2008

Invited Presenters among other:

Antonia Dohmen, I was born in 1963, in Cologne, Germany. I am working as a teacher at a technical college since six years.
My subjects are German language and design.
My family background: My father, born in 1921, was a "normal" member of the Wermacht, not a high-ranked Nazi-officer.
He died in 1991. My mother was born in 1939. I am a kind of mixture of second and third generation after WWII.
I got involved closer in the subject of the Holocaust in 1991, when I studied at the University of Wuppertal. There I took part of the research project which was organized by Israelian and German researchers, one of them Dan Bar On and included an exchange-programme between Israeli and German students.
That project brought me to the TRT group of Dan Bar On. Since then I know Dan Bar On. I learned about the Germans he had interviewed and my exchange-partner in the students-group, Tal, was on of the Israelian members i the TRT.
So, when I was asked by the German TRT members in 1995, I joined the group as a representative of the thrid generation after WWII in Germany.

Klettenberggürtel 50
50939 Köln

Festnetz: 0221/4206514


post-workshop 6 hours together with Dr. Samons Munn

Identity and Experiencing the Other:Growth and Transformation.A dialogue between children of Holocaust survivors and children of Nazi-perpetrators.
workshop with Samson Munn and the TRT group members
for information go to Samson Munn


Wissende Felder